BBA 2019 CBCS Pattern

Program Outcomes (PO)

PO1: To develop precise understanding about business environment and organizations. PO2: To develop desired business acumen amongst the students. PO3: To inculcate managerial and entrepreneurial attitude and skills PO4: To develop leadership aptitude among the students in order to work independently and in organized groups. PO5: To inculcate among the students the qualities of a dynamic manager, capable of taking various decisions and communicating effectively to different groups of people. PO6: To understand and gain knowledge of various financial institutions and agencies.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSO)

PSO1: To prepare the students to avail the opportunities available in the management profession and also creation self-employment opportunities PSO2: To develop aptitude and awareness amongst the students in tune with the prevailing business systems. PSO3: To incorporate time management skills, presentation skills, geo-political awareness and business awareness in order to develop managerial effectiveness. PSO4: To develop research aptitude, inter-personal skills, analytical skills, and domestic aspects of managerial careers PSO5: To provide opportunity to students to choose courses from other electives to explore cross functionality.  

Course Outcomes (CO)

101 Principles of management
  1. To understand basic concept regarding org. Business Administration
  2. To examining how various management principles
  3. To develop managerial skills among the students
102 Business Communication skills
  1. To understand what is the role of communication in personal and business world
  2. To understand system and communication and their utility
  3. To develop proficiency in how to write business letters and other communications required in business
103 Business Accounting
  1. To develop right understanding regarding role and importance of monetary and financial transactions in business
  2. To cultivate right approach towards classifications of different transactions and their implications
  3. To develop proficiency preparation of basic financial as to how to write basis accounting statement – Trading and P&L
204 Business Economics – Micro
  1. To understand role of economics as it influences society and business
  2. To study how different decisions are taken in relation to price demand and supply
  3. To develop right understanding regarding Monopoly, perfect competition, revenue etc
205 Business Mathematics
  1. To develop appropriate understanding as how to use mathematic like computation interest, profit etc
  2. To cultivate right understanding regaining numerical aptitude
  3. To develop logical approach towards analytical approach data
106 Business Demography
  1. To give proper understanding regarding concept of demography in modern economic setup
  2. To study how population and structure changes affecting quality of life and business
  3. To develop clarity of concept regarding social economic process and urbanization and its impact on society
201 Business Organisation and Systems
  1. To understand role and functions of modern business
  2. To develop right understanding regarding business environment
  3. To study how a business institution functions in a given economic set up
202 Principles of Marketing
  1. To develop write understanding regarding marketing environment in the country
  2. To develop appropriate conceptual understanding as to develop basic marketing concept
  3. To develop new understanding regarding services , rural marketing and new trends in marketing
203 Principles of Finance
  1. To cultivate right approach towards money , finance , and their role in business
  2. To develop right understanding regarding various sources of finance and their role and utility in business
  3. To develop basic skills as to concept of capital structure and concept of capital structure
204 Basics of Cost Accounting
  1. To develop rational understanding regarding concept of cost expenditure in business
  2. To develop understanding how overheads influence the cost structure of cost
  3. To develop skills for computation of total cost for a particular product
205 Business Statistics
  1. To understand role and importance of statistics in various business situations
  2. To develop skills related with basic statistical technique
  3. Develop right understanding regarding regression, correlation and data interpretation
206 Fundamentals of Computers
  1. To develop concept of information and their role in modern businesses
  2. To develop rational approach as to how computers can be used in data process analysis in business
  3. To develop understanding regarding cautions to be taken security, safety and security while using net based service
301 Principles of Human Resource Management
  1. To introduce the basic concepts of Human Resource Management.
  2. To cultivate right approach towards Human Resource and their role in business.
  3. To create awareness about the various trends in HRM among the students.
302 Supply Chain Management
  1. To enable the students to have a comprehensive understanding of Supply Chain Management.
  2. To understand key concepts and issues of Logistics and Inventory Management.
  3. To understand Warehousing and its role in Space Management.
303 Global Competencies and Personality Development
  1. To build self-confidence, enhance self-esteem, and improve overall personality of the students.
  2. To enhance global and cultural competencies of the students.
  3. To groom the students for appropriate behaviour in social and professional circles.
304 Fundamentals of Rural Development
  1. To understand the development issues related to rural society.
  2. To find the employment opportunities for rural youth.
  3. To create interest among the rural youth to participate in rural development programmes and schemes for sustainable development.
  4. To discourage seasonal and permanent migration to urban areas
A 305 MM Consumer Behaviour And Sales Management
  1. To develop significant understanding of Consumer behaviour in Marketing.
  2. To understand the relationship between consumer behaviour& Sales Management.
  3. To develop conceptual based approach towards decision making aspects & its implementation considering consumer behaviour in Sales Management.
A 306 MM Retail Management
  1. To provide basic understanding of forces that shape retail industry
  2. To provide understanding of retail operations and strategy
  3. To provide understanding of opportunities and challenges in retail industry
B 305 FM Management Accounting
  1. To impart basic knowledge of management accounting.
  2. To understand the implications of various financial ratios in decision making.
  3. Application and use of various tools of management accounting in the business.
B 306 FM Banking & Finance
  1. Study of banking function and its operations.
  2. To study the functioning of Regulatory Authorities in India.
  3. To study recent technology in banking industry
C -305 HRM Organisational Behaviour (OB)
  1. To describe the major theories, concepts, models and frameworks in the field of Organisational Behaviour.
  2. To explain determinants of Organisational Behaviour at Individual, Group and Organisational Level.
  3. To give knowledge about approaches to line-up individual, groups & managerial behaviour in order to achieve organisational goals.
C 306 (HRM) Legal Aspects in Human Resources
  1. To study and explain rights of employees at work place.
  2. To understand the Applications of different Legal Aspects in HR
D-305 SM Fundamentals of Services Management
  1. To introduce services as a Business Function.
  2. To develop practical insights in enhancing business processes of Service sector.
  3. To give the students an exposure to a systematic service framework.
  4. To enhance service leadership skills.
D-306 SM Principles & Functions of Services Management
  1. To recognize & understand different types of service based organizations.
  2. To understand the importance of ITES in service sector.
  3. To enhance knowledge of global trends in outsourcing.
  4. To understand factors crucial to service delivery & recovery.
E 305 ABM: Agriculture and Indian Economy
  1. To understand importance of agriculture in Indian economy.
  2. To impart knowledge in the field of agriculture marketing.
  3. To understand various problems and prospects Indian agriculture.
E 306 (ABM) Rural Development: Principles and Practice
  1. To develop appropriate attitude and values required of a rural manager.
  2. To develop conceptual and exploratory skills to work for rural development
401 Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
  1. To understand the concept and process of Entrepreneurship.
  2. To Acquire Entrepreneurial spirit and resourcefulness.
  3. To get acquainted with the concept of Small Business Management.
  4. To understand the role and contribution of Entrepreneurs and Small Businesses in the growth and development of individual and the nation.
402 Production and Operation Management
  1. To understand the key concepts of Production and Operation Management.
  2. To understand the various manufacturing methods and role in managing business.
  3. To create awareness about the various safety measures and ergonomics in industries.
403 Decision Making and Risk Management
  1. To learn the key topics in decision making and risk management so that they can improve decision making and reduce risk in their management activities and organizations.
  2. Find the best alternative in a decision with multiple objectives and uncertainty.
  3. Describe the process of making a decision.
  4. Analyze an organization’s decision making system.
  5. Develop a risk management process.
404 International Business Management
  1. To acquaint the students with emerging trends and issues in International Business.
  2. To study the impact of International Business Environment on foreign market operations.
  3. To analyze International trade models.
  4. To analyze the International Investment and its risks associated.
  5. To understand financial aspects in world economies, their need and functionality
405 A-MM Advertising and Promotion Management
  1. To develop knowledge and understanding of importance of advertising.
  2. To understand different sales promotion techniques.
  3. To know about promotion management.
  4. To understand the process of online advertising
406 A MM Digital Marketing
  1. To provide students with the Knowledge about business advantages of the digital marketing and its importance for marketing success.
  2. To help students become In demand professional by being acquainted through various Digital channels & their ways of Integration.
  3. To get Basic Knowledge of Google Analytics for measuring effects of Digital Marketing & getting Insights of Future trends that will affect the future development of the digital marketing
405 B FM Business Taxation
  1. To understand different concepts & definitions under Income Tax Act 1961.
  2. To understand the importance of Taxation to the students.
  3. To update the students with the latest development in the subject of Taxation.
  4. To acquire knowledge about the submission of Income tax returns.
  5. To prepare students competent enough to take up to employment in tax planner.
  6. To develop ability to calculate taxable income of the person as per Income Tax Act 1961
406 B FM Financial Services
  1. To Study in detail financial services in India.
  2. To study & Understand working of Indian financial system.
  3. To make the students well acquainted regarding financial markets.
405 C HRM Human Resource Management Functions& Practices
  1. To acquire comprehensive Knowledge of Human Resource Management Functions & Practices.
  2. To explain the methods of Performance Appraisal, Training, Executive Development and Employee Compensation.
  3. To acquire knowledge about various HR practices adopted by the organization.
406 C HRM Employee Recruitment & Record Management
  1. To study and explain employee acquisition and its importance in industry.
  2. To cultivate right approach towards employee recruitment and record management.
405 D-SM Banking and Insurance Management
  1. To create the awareness among the students of Indian banking and insurance services offered.
  2. To enable students to understand the various services& other developments in the Indian banking and Insurance service sector.
  3. To provide students insight into Functions & Role of modern services offered to cater the current needs.
  4. To enable students to understand the various digital platforms offered by Banking and Insurance sector to cater the emerging trends.
406 D-SM Social Service and NGO Management
  1. The course is designed for the students, workers of social sectors and others who wish to develop orientation towards NGOs and their functioning. At the same time, the course is also beneficial for those who wish to attain skills and orientation in Social Work profession.
  2. Understand the role and challenges of NGOs in the development concerns of the community
  3. Exposure to the success stories of NGO and other organization – International / National / Regional level.
405 E-ABM Rural Marketing : Concepts and Practices
  1. To develop better understanding of the Indian Rural Economy.
  2. Identification of challenges and opportunities in Rural Marketing.
  3. To provide exposure to the Rural Marketing Environment and Rural Market.
  4. To understand the applications of marketing to Rural Marketing.
  5. To understand the application of the Rural Marketing Mix (4 A’s) and (4 P’s).
406 E-ABM Banking Operations and Finance
  1. To provide the management students with the knowledge of banking and finance in the area of agriculture.
  2. To enable students to know various sources to avail agriculture finance.
  3. To study computation of risk as well as rewards with respect to agriculture finance.
501 Research Methodology
  1. To develop an understanding of the right approach of Research Methodology and its role in Business.
  2. To develop an understanding of the basic framework of the identification of various sources of information for data collection.
  3. To develop an understanding of various Designs, Tools and Techniques of Research Study.
  4. To enable the students in conducting Research work and write Research Paper and Research Project Report
502 Database Administration and Data Mining
  1. To understand the Database Management System
  2. To understand the Data Mining Concepts
  3. To understand the current trends in Data Management
503 Business Ethics
  1. To provide a comprehensive understanding of the concepts of Business Ethics
  2. To develop theoretical tools to understand current ethical issues and their impacts on business.
  3. To analyze the role of Ethics in business, Government and Society.
  4. To analyze the Ethical scenario concerning to Environment and consumer protection.
504 Management of Corporate Social Responsibility
  1. To understand the concept and process of CSR
  2. To understand the industrial contribution for CSR Policy
  3. To understand the context of CSR of present-day Management
  4. To understand the contribution of CSR for the development of Society
505 MM Marketing Environment Analysis and Strategies
  1. To develop students’ understanding of the factors shaping Marketing Environment
  2. To develop students’ ability to analyze the Business Environment
  3. To develop students’ understanding of the strategies for sustaining the forces in Marketing Environment
506 MM Legal Aspects in Marketing Management
  1. To understand the application of different legal aspects in Marketing Management
505 FM Analysis of Financial Statements
  1. Overview & Fundamental Knowledge of Analysis of Financial Statements
506 FM Legal Aspects of Finance & Security Laws
  1. To understand the Legal Aspects of Finance & Security Laws.
  2. To know the legal provisions to obtain finance from various source of finance.
  3. To explore various finance & securities-related laws in India.
505 HRM Cross-Cultural HR & Industrial Relations
  1. To make students understand Cultural Variables in Multinational Enterprises.
  2. To learn some basic business etiquette and dining etiquette that will help to work in different countries across the globe
  3. To make students understand the relationship between Cross-Culture Management and Human Resource Management.
  4. To explain how employees can be prepared for international assignments.
  5. To provide students with the fundamental knowledge of Industrial Relations.
  6. To provide the knowledge to students of provisions under The Industrial Disputes Act,1947, The Factories Act, 1948 and The Maternity Benefit Act 2017.
506 HRM Cases in Human Resource Management + Project Viva
  1. To understand the application of theory into practice.
  2. Design critical thinking by making judgments related to problems in Case Studies of Human Resource.
  3. Develop critical thinking for solving Case Studies of Human Resource.
  4. To analyze the broad fundamental components of HRM.
505 SM : Health Care Management
  1. To create awareness related to health care management and services.
  2. To enables students to understand the various healthcare services& other developments in the Indian health care service sector.
  3. To provide students insight into the Functions & Role of modern healthcare management services offered to cater for the current needs.
506 SM : Permissions and Legal Aspects in Services 1.To create awareness related to services.
  1. To enables students to understand the importance of the service sector.
  2. To provide students insight into recent practices in the service sector.
505 ABM Warehouse Management
  1. To introduce the fundamental concepts, key principles and activities related to Warehousing function in the modern organization.
  2. To addresses the operational aspects of planning and managing warehouses.
  3. To give exposure related to business functions in warehouse and supply chain management including inventory, purchasing, materials and logistics.
  4. To familiarize with the issue in core functions in warehouse management.
506 ABM Permissions and Legal Aspects in Agriculture
  1. To introduce the fundamental concepts, key principles and activities related to farming and action in India.
601 : Essentials of E-Commerce
  1. To understand the importance, role, and activities of E-Commerce.
  2. To understand various E-Money and E-Payment systems used in E-Commerce.
  3. To understand the concept of E-Marketing and its tools in E-Commerce.
  4. To Understand the concept of Cyber Space and Cyber Security in E-Commerce.
602 Management Information System
  1. To understand the importance, role, and activities of E-Commerce.
  2. To understand various E-Money and E-Payment systems used in E-Commerce.
  3. To understand the concept of E-Marketing and its tools in E-Commerce.
  4. To understand the concept of Cyber Space and Cyber Security in E-Commerce.
603 Business Project Management
  1. To develop a significant understanding of Project Management.
  2. To develop a concept based approach towards Management of Business Projects.
  3. To develop the relationship between the significance of Businesses Projects & their Management.
  604 Management of Innovations and Sustainability
  1. To understand the concepts of Innovation and Sustainability in a practical sense.
  2. To better know the significance of organisational sustainable development and the economic implications of sustainable development.
  3. To learn about the most common errors made when handling sustainable growth.
  4. To understand the concept of Sustainability Innovation. Understand socio-political aspects of sustainable development – social responsibility aspect.
605 MM International Brand Management
  1. To develop students’ understanding of the concept of developing brands
  2. To develop students’ understanding of the concept of brand equity
  3. To develop students’ understanding of the strategies in managing brand portfolios.
606 MM Cases in Marketing Management + Project
  1. To understand the application of theory into practice.
605 FM – Financial Management
  1. To know various sources of finance of business
  2. To study and understand the capital structure of the company and its cost of capital
  3. To study optimum capital mix & concept of over capitalization & undercapitalization.
606 FM Cases in Finance +Project
  1. To Study &understand the core areas of finance.
  2. To study the practical applications of finance.
  3. To prepare project reports based on the internship & understanding of core areas of finance.
605 HRM Global Human Resource Management
  1. To understand the concepts, theoretical framework, and issues of HRM in Global Perspective
  2. Identify and Understand issues and practices about the major HRM functions within the context of the global environment.
  3. To learn how to conduct strategic human resource management in an international setting.
  4. To learn how companies manage their expatriates.
  5. To look at HRM in a broader, comparative, and international perspective to deal with complex issues and manifold risks.
  6. To study understanding of international approaches to dealing with people in organizations.
606 HRM Recent Trends & HR Accounting + Project
  1. To make students understand the theoretical and practical fundamental knowledge of Recent Trends in HRM and HR Accounting.
  2. To describe various Employee Engagement Strategies to enhance Employee Engagement.
  3. To discuss the uses of Human Resource Information Systems in organizations.
  4. To explain the different methods used to calculate the value of human Resources.
  5. To define Human Resource Audit and outline its scope.
  6. To study the methods of Human Resource Valuation.
605 SM Global Tourism and Hospitality Management
  1. To create awareness related to health care management and services.
  2. To enables students to understand the various healthcare services & other developments in the Indian health care service sector.
  3. To provide students insight into the Functions & Role of modern healthcare services offered to cater for the current needs.
606 SM Recent Trends In Services + Project
  1. To create awareness related to recent trends in services.
  2. To enables students to understand the changes taking place in the service sector.
  3. To provide students insight into recent developments in the service sector
605 ABM Agricultural Export
  1. To introduce the concept of Agriculture Export
  2. To develop practical insight in enhancing business Processes of Agriculture Export and international markets.
  3. To expose students to a systematic framework of international markets and institutional infrastructure.
  4. To enhance agriculture export skills in students
606 ABM Tourism Development in Rural India + Project
  1. To Understand the concept of Rural Tourism
  2. To understand the significance and need of Rural Tourism in India
  3. To know Tourism Resource in rural areas
  4. To understand the role of rural tourism in the Indian Economy & Rural Development
  5. To highlight Sustainable Tourism- Its role in rural areas.